Kalavishkar and Marathi Kala Mandal of Greater Washington Proudly Presents

An award winning Marathi play



On the heels of overwhelmingly successful performance of एका लग्नाची पुढची गोष्ट, Kalavishkar & Marathi Kala Mandal bring another treat directly from the professional stage of Maharashtra for which the theater-loving audiences of Washington metro area have been waiting… Well, the wait is over! The multiple award-winning play “Ananyaa”, praised by critics and audiences alike and rated the most popular play of 2018 will be staged here on May 19, 2019. Come and see Rutuja Bagwe in her leading role giving a soul-stirring performance in this poignant and powerful story that has brought her eight awards in the best actress category.

Tickets for this “MUST WATCH” play are available now at www.kalavishkardc.com and www.marathi.com.
This play is not open to children under 13 and child care is available for ages 4-12.
Reserved seating is provided for Agrani patrons(age over 65 and over)

Early bird discounts will be available.


11:00 – Registration
11:30 – 1:30– Lunch
2:00 – 3:10 – Natak – अनन्या
3:10 – 3:40 – Break
3:40 – 5:00 – Natak – अनन्या

Child Care info:

Please take advantage of this facility for kids age group 4-12. We prefer that children not move around in the hallways unsupervised.
We will have activities planned for the kids. They are welcome to bring their (at their own risk) ipads,phones or any games they will like to play. The kids are not forced to participate in the activities arranged in the child care area but will stay safe in a supervised area.

  • Child care is required for children of age 4-12. These kids are NOT allowed in the Auditorium.
  • NO LAST MINUTE/ON-SPOT childcare availability
  • Provided during the show 1:30 PM-5:00 PM (until the end of the show)
  • Registration begins at 1:15 PM
  • Snack provided only for kids registered in child care
  • We encourage children age 11-18 to sign-up to help at child care to earn volunteer hours. Interested teens send email to childrenteam@marathi.com